Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Typography basics

In my research about typography, I've found that the most important tools used to describe and classify fonts are the physical attributes of type.

Let's learn some of these attributes through a quiz! :)

1. What is cap height?
a. How tall serifs are
b. How tall capitals are
c. How tall xs are

2. What is base line?
a. The line letters sit on
b. The line that the tails on letters like q, p, and j sits on
c. The piece of lead used to separate lines

3. What is an ascender?
a. The tallest letter in the font
b. Parts of letters like f, h, and l that rise above the middle of the font
c. Term used to describe taller-than-average fonts

4. Are cap height and ascender height the same?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes

5. Which are apexes and which are vertexes?
a. Vertexes are the top line; apexes are the bottom line
b. Vertexes are the bottom line; apexes are the top line

Extra credit: What font are you? (I'm Edwardian Script!)

Other fun quizes:
Cheese or Font

1. b
2. a
3. b
4. c. Sometimes ascenders are taller than cap height.
5. b. How can you remember the difference? When you think vertex, think of the v like a downward-pointing arrow--the vertex is the bottom, where two strokes angled downward meet.

Source: Exploring Typography
Photo from Exploring Typography; by me


  1. I tried the quiz and found that I am Courier! I used to think it was weird that there were font snobs in the world, those who would critique a poster like a fashionista at Walmart. Now I understand a little more their reasoning and I find myself looking for that perfect font too...

  2. I also took the quiz and my result did not fit my personality at all. It called me Helvetica and reading through the possible outcomes, I think I'm really more of a Comic Sans...
